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Lunes, 24 Mar 2025

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Miércoles, 26 Mar 2025


Inicio > Food and Beverage > Grocery > Snacks > Plantain chips Lightly salted 3 oz 24-count
  • Especificaciones
  • Información de la Compañía
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Shelflife12 Months
CompanyFyffes North America
Minimum Order (MoQ)1 Pallet
Lead Time (Days)21 Days

Fyffes is one of the largest and oldest tropical produce importers and distributors. With an infrastructure that reaches across the globe, Fyffes is truly an international player. In 2004, they partnered with Uniban to create a snack company that has developed 10 different plantain flavors, green banana chips, and freeze-dried fruit. This is just the beginning for Turbana, as Turbana is always looking for innovative ways to create better-for-you snacks. - Founded in 1888 - a pioneer in the world of tropical fruits - First fruit brand to apply a label on bananas in 1929 - Largest supplier of bananas to Europe - International HQ – Dublin, North America HQ – Coral Gables, FL - Rapid expansion in North America and Asia - Diverse portfolio including Sol Melons, Highline Mushrooms - Acquisition by Sumitomo finalized in 2017 - Vertical integration: - Fyffes owns or manages operations for more than 24,000 hectares of banana farms - Fyffes owns approximately 70% of the pineapple farms it sources - Diverse product line: wide range of fresh produce, including bananas, plantains, exotic fruits, vegetables, and snacks - Reputation for reliability: established trust and reliability in the fresh produce industry in North America

Comentarios de nuestros clientes

Plantain chips Lightly salted 3 oz 24-count

SKU: 1002042
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/ Unit

$2,083.76 / Mastercase
( Units : 24 )

Precio por unidad: $50,010.35
/ Pallet ( Mastercases : )
MoQ : 1 Pallet
Cantidad: (Pallet)


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